If you are in sales department of any company or you are a solopreneur, it’s no doubt you are always looking for ways to grow your sales. Learning from remarkable sellers, such as Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Jim Rohn, is perfect way to make your numbers go the next level. And there are many more sales books that transform the way we sell, from beginner to stellar seller.
The List of Best 10 Sales Books to Read
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What should you look for when buying sales books?
There are few key factors you should consider when you selecting books to help you learn new sales techniques. They include:
Popular Author
Popularity of the author doesn’t just come easily. Big author names are trusted for good and valuable content over time.
Books in bestseller category are always have some hidden germ, thus reason so many readers are going after them.
Tangible Results
Testimonials of the readers can highly point you to the best sales books. Highly rated books, with proven results from readers are ingredients you need to go beyond the normal and break your sales records.
Top 5 Best Sales Books Reviews
1. New Sales. Simplified
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Authored by Mike Weinberg, it’s a must for sales person. Already featured in HubSpot’s top 20 best sales books of all time. Incredible content on making it big in sales.
This book is not just for novice or mid-level salesperson, professional sales people are sure to learn one or two key things. There’s something for everyone regardless of the level of experience in selling.
The key section of this book is how to craft perfect sales story for your target customers. A well-crafted story clearly defines your customer crystal clear, captivates them and easily connect with them, thus making selling process way easier.
2. Go for No!
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The title might sound scary. “No” is perhaps the salesperson most dreaded word. It might ne said in many formats – “not this time”, “No, am not interested” and many others.
But the most incredible sales people understand that the word “no” is just start of a process, a journey, where many more “no’s” are likely to come, before the sweet “yes”. The book teaches you to be comfortable hearing the word “no”, and know it’s just the start. The conclusion will be yes to deal or the offer.
3. Secrets of Closing the Sale
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The book present effective ways to close even the most unlikely and difficult deals. Authored by the legend of sales, Zig Ziglar. He is one of the biggest names in sales and his approaches are powerful and efficient.
In brief, the book teaches how to portray enthusiasm, integrity and warmth. Combination that’s sure to be selling machine
4. The Psychology of Selling
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Author by one of many Ziglar’s students – Brian Tracy. He has developed Zigs sales approaches, refined them to create efficient selling machine.
An easy to digest book and very motivating, guaranteed to make you way effective as salesperson, and also close sales deals with more charisma and confidence. Natural selling process, with little or no pushing for deals
5. Sell or Be Sold
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It’s either you sell or go home. Learn how to navigate the so unpredictable and difficult waters that is selling. It’s a must for survival and the elusive success. Authored by Grant Cardone, the book will help you overcome the uncomfortable selling environment.
The book will motivate you to fill you sales channel with new opportunities and have a positive approach regardless of any sale rejection you come across. Two key ingredients make 90% of your success – attitude and mental thoughts
Other 5 Best Sales Books to Read this year
6. Secrets of a Master Closer
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7. Selling 101
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8. Little Red Book of Selling
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9. To Sell Is Human
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10. The Challenger Sale
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