10 Best Christian Books for Spiritual Growth

Apart from reading the Bible, prayers and fasting, another aspect to grow your faith and indeed your walk with our Savior Jesus Christ, is to read Christian books authored by various men and women of faith. With real-life experiences and encounters, tips and insights, these books are sure way to only grow your spiritual life, but challenges you to get to the next level of relationship with God.

Here is the List of 10 Top Christian Books for Spiritual Growth

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Factors to Consider when choosing Christian Books

There are different topics addressed by different Christian books. Each has own ideal readers, not everything will be beneficial to you at the same time. They are several key points to consider as you buy your next Christian books, and get ones that enrich your spiritual life.

Topic – What struggles do you currently have in your life? Is it to do with marriage, relationships, discouragement? Or sometime it can be you need some motivation or real-life testimonies to spark that fire for God. Other books are more holistic in their approaches. What you are looking for, go for relevant books that will help your challenges or expected issues.

Religious Foundation – There are books written for purposely targeted audience, depending on denomination or ways of life, e.g., Roman Catholic Books. Unless you are reading to broaden your perspective on spiritual matters, go for books which either address your specific denominations or a broad book, which don’t just cater for one particular denomination.

Author – Books written by people who have experienced challenges and overcame them, people with authority in Christian worship, like Pastors and Priests, are good choice. Books with life-transforming insights will be likely be reviewed by many people and also likely be mentioned in various Christian gatherings, be it church services, seminars and conferences. Go for such books.

Reviews for Top 5 Best Christian Books to Buy

1. When God Doesn’t Fix It

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The book addresses sensitive topic among Christians – when God doesn’t bring solutions to our problem, when things turn out not the way we want. Laura’s story about her husband’s health battle with a brain tumor and how it changed their lives forever.

Left with no choice, no cure, the couple left their difficulties to God. The experience taught Laura that God handle things in His own ways, often leading us to paths we least expect.

The book explores how to establish deeper relationship with our God and trust Him fully. This means letting go of our own perspectives and expectations, and belief that what God has in store for us is way better that what we think.

2. Moving Mountains by John Eldredge

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The author gives an easy and detailed guide to a have an effective prayer life. Prayer isn’t just closing your eyes and asking for this or that. It explores the different types of prayers we can use, and how our daily prayer should be used to edify our lives and grow our spiritual intimacy with God. The book also challenges Christian to change the perspectives during prayers – to ask for spiritual guidance to help achieve what we need and want. And not asking for material things.

Recommended for every Christian. Make your daily talks with God more meaningful and with deeper impacts.

3. The 5 Love Languages

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Popular book with Christian couples, as it reinforces the concept that no relationship that thrives without God at the center. It offers couples a deeper understanding on how to love each other according to God’s will.

Authored by Gary Chapman, it explains diverse way people express and receive love, with the view to help couples express love to their spouses in strong expected ways. And reciprocate in ways their spouses feel better

Faithfulness to God is strong concept of this book. Find real, practical and straightforward insights and tips for daily life in this book, and build healthier and happier marriages and relationships

4. The One Year Christian History

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Most people and some Christians may not have clear understanding of how Christianity started. The book gives reader a good understanding of where and how Christian faith was started.

It offers to story a day, telling how Christianity came to be. Every story is detailed on the day and month it happened, based on historic accounts, thus creating a chronological sequence that portrays how it happened. It shows how ordinary men and women were used of God, for extraordinary purpose.

5. Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung

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Most people misinterpret “God’s plan.” We wait idly, expecting God’s voice to direct us. The book tackles that mindset and informs Christian that God’s will is available to those who seek it.

God is looking to have you go out in the world and make impact with the talents and gifts He has given you. If you are actively pursuing God’s will, it will lead you closer to your destiny sooner. It encourages a liberating approach to finding God’s will for you – making the first moves to going where God wants us to go.

Other 5 Christian Books for Spiritual Growth & Nourishment

6. The Prayer Box (A Carolina Heirlooms Novel)

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7. 50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Spiritual Giants of the Faith

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8. Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense

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9. God Will Use This for Good: Surviving the Mess of Life

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10. The 7 Most Powerful Prayers That Will Change Your Life Forever

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